#!/usr/bin/perl ############################### # Hot Links 1.0 Lite index.cgi # Created by Mike Ramirez # Nothing below here is configurable ############################### require 'headerfooter.pl'; require 'config.pl'; ################################################## read(STDIN, $buffer, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'}); if (length($buffer) < 5) { $buffer = $ENV{QUERY_STRING}; } @pairs = split(/&/, $buffer); foreach $pair (@pairs) { ($key, $value) = split(/=/, $pair); $value =~ tr/+/ /; $value =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg; $value =~ s/[\;\|\\ ]/ /ig; $FORM{$key} = $value; } ################################################## print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; &header; if ($cuttoff == 0) { print "


"; } print <<"HTML";
HTML # Get category list open (FILE, "$catfilepath"); @catsx = ; close(FILE); foreach $cat (@catsx) { @catline = split(/\|/, $cat); $catsy{$catline[1]} = $catline[0]; } foreach $key (sort keys %catsy) { #alphabetize categories #print "$key => $catsy{$key}"; used for testing... push(@cats, "$catsy{$key}|$key"); } open (FILE2, "$datafilepath"); @newlinkstemp = ; close(FILE2); @newlinks = sort {$b <=> $a} @newlinkstemp; #reverse link order, new links at the top foreach $line (@cats) { @catinfo = split(/\|/, $line); $switch = 0; # switch to determine whether a category has any link or not. $current = 1; # count used to determine how many links have been displayed $catcount = 0; foreach $link (@newlinks) { @forcount = split(/\|/, $link); if ($forcount[1] == $catinfo[0]) { $catcount = ++$catcount; } } print ""; foreach $link (@newlinks) { @linkinfo = split(/\|/, $link); if ($current <= $cutoff) { if ($linkinfo[1] == $catinfo[0]) { print ""; $switch = 1; $current = ++$current; } } elsif ($current == ($cutoff +1)) { if ($linkinfo[1] == $catinfo[0]) { if ($cutoff == 0) { print ""; } else { print ""; } $switch = 1; $current = ++$current; } } else { $current = ++$current; } } $current = 1; if ($switch == 0) { print ""; } } print <<"HTML";
View $catinfo[1] Links
click here for more $catinfo[1] Links
No Links
HTML ###################### open (FILE, "$datafilepath"); @linkstocount = ; close(FILE); foreach $line (@linkstocount) { $totallinkcount = ++$totallinkcount; } print <<"HTML";
 Now listing $totallinkcount different links.
HTML &footer;